The colors:
Every bag of Hawaiian Sea Salt is of the highest
quality. Each bag contains 8 oz. of salt, enough salt for months! Every
packet of salt comes standard in a Hawaiian decorative bag.

What's inside:
The reddish tint seen in the photo above is 100%
tasteless. What you are actually seeing is the baked Hawaiian red clay ('Alaea)
mixed with the sea salt. This mix
contains unprocessed sea
salt rich in
natural minerals.

Final Product:
This is exactly how a bag of salt is shipped to you. Of
course you get to choose the the color! Now you can choose between
the standard bag (shown top) or select from a
container. Your choice!

What it reads:
Back: "'Alaea is the traditional Hawaiian table salt
used to season and preserve. Savor a unique and pleasant flavor anytime
regular table salt is enjoyed with your favorite foods."
View the bag
colors and salt types |