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Sample size sea salt


If you want to try the different and marvelous flavor of the Hawaiian 'Alaea Sea Salt,  the sample size will give you enough product to cook a variety of meals.  Let your taste buds decide how much better this salt really is.  Please take advantage of our offer to you to try the salt at this reduced pricing.



Click to Enlarge           

To the left is our sample size of the regular coarse sea salt.  It contains 1.8 oz's of salt and costs only $3.99.  At this price, you can't afford not to try it.


To the right is our often popular style, the fine grind.  This is a popular choice due to the fact that it saves you time grinding it up yourself.  Of course, try them both and see what style suits you best.  Still only $3.99 and 1.8 oz's.           Click to Enlarge



1.8 oz. : $3.99 (regular)



1.8 oz. : $ 7.02 (2 jars, fine and coarse)






� Hawaiian Specialty Salt 2005