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Customer Testimonials


Sherry Mally says:
I have been a fan of sea salt for years, I use it exclusively!  Hawaiian Sea Salt is the favorite by far, at our house.  I have even converted my salt-crazed brother-in-law to switch from table salt (yuck), and now he fancies himself a budding gourmet!  Thanks for the great product, it will find its way into every gift basket I put together this holiday....Kind regards,  Sherry Mally.

Kristen French says:
I love the Hawaiian Sea Salt! I use it all the time when I cook and I think it makes my food taste so much better than regular salt! I would recommend this salt to everyone!

G. Matney says:
I love your Lava Red Chili Pepper Salt!! It adds so much flavor to my grilled foods.
Thanks for your products!

Lynn Mumford says:
I had a friend recommend me to your site and she has raved about your product ...I had to come see for myself.. will look around and come back often....thanks.

Peggy Rock says:
Recently a friend visited with us for a week and knowing that we like to experiment with different tastes brought us the fine grain of Ancient Hawaiian Sea Salt.  Your product made a big change in our recipes for chicken and beef that we served. Thank You!

Kathy Herrington says:
Packaging alone is beautiful!

Robert says:
I have tried several different brands and found yours to be the best!!!

Nicole Barrett says:
I love your company and all of your products.

Quote from Jeremiah Tower Cooks, p. 41:

"Whether from France (specifically Brittany, or the Cam argue), Hawaii or other source, this is the finest sea salt available. Lacking this salt, use any sea salt and a salt grinder. When I call for sea salt in the recipe, it is this salt to which I am referring."

On p. 282 in same book, Hawaii Specialty Company is referenced as a resource




To create your own testimonial about the salt.  Please contact us and let us know.

All testimonials are quoted exactly as written by customer.

� Hawaiian Specialty Salt 2005